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Born:January 12, 1950
Moorehead City, NC
Died:December 8, 2004
Williamsburg, VA

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

Eddie's career encompassed being a “Home Husband”, a carpenter, and had recently become a certified Locksmith.  He was an Army veteran.  Some of his interest and hobbies included Karate, where he obtained the level of black belt, and furniture building, repairing, and refinishing.  He enjoyed nature and the great outdoors and enjoyed his time interacting and watching wildlife.  He loved his family.  His children were always very special in his life, and his love for all children led him to be a Little League Baseball Coach and Soccer Coach.
lee boys.jpg
Added by charles
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Dear Eddie:
You are truly loved and missed and will never be forgotten. Please keep an eye on us all and I hope when it's my time to go home to be with my Lord that you and Nelda will be there waiting for me.
Rest in peace dear brother - Love, Charles

Added by Charles

First it was we and then we were three
After some kissin’ and lovin’ we then became four.
Two joys of our life, Christopher and Devin
Both special with their own little piece of Heaven.

But we is now me,
Four is now three.
God needed you bad
Edward T. Lee.

I love you, to infinity and beyond……….

Added by Brenda
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