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Born:June 26, 1945
Dunmore, Pa
Died:May 5, 2003
Scranton, Pa

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Robert J Spillar was a great person , he was a good dad as well as father. He was a top notch person to everyone up at Tobyhanna Army Depot, and also a great friend.. he will be deeply missed by his Family. He served 2 Tours in Vietnam, and done great rewards at Desert Storm. he also had his stubborn moments, but also his good times..
he was a Treasurer at the 20th ward in Scranton, and accomplished many other things in life, he took things as they came.. Love your Daughter and Son and Family...see you in Heaven when we meet ...
dad at work.jpg

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

you will always be in my thoughts and prayers forever.. knowing your not in pain anymore your with an angel.

Added by daughter, Lisa
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