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Born:December 26, 1987
Died:August 4, 2003
Found on the shore of Lake Ontario by Rouge Hill Go Station in Scarborough, Ontario

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Terrance was attending David and Mary Thompson high school in Scarborough Ontario...and about to enter the 10th grade. While attending there, he met one of his best friend's Jason Mercury who says that Terrance was the kind of guy who would always have your back no matter what...through think and thin. Terrance always had a recognizable smile on his face that brought a smile to everyone else's. He will be missed sadly by his older sister Sally his Mother, close friends...and all who didn't get a chance to say good-bye!
This pic was posted on Citytv News the night his body was found.
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Terrance Video.asx
This video aired the night his body was found.
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I personally did not know Terrance...but wish I could have. I'm good friends with Jason Mercury...who was his friend....and he told me all about Terrance and how he was the kind of guy who would NEVER start any confrontations of any kind and didn't deserve to die the way he did...

Terrance a.k.a. Junia....will be in my prayers every night until his killer is caught.

Added by Creator of memorial page
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