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Born:July 26, 1975
Died:September 26, 1992
Marlboro, NJ

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.


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Personal Notes

I knew Ross Barshay for one year in Marlboro High School when I attended there for freshman year. Ross sat behind me in math class. I then moved at the end of the year. This was someone that I remembered almost 16 years later and wanted to see how he was doing. He never made fun of anyone and was always so kind. He loved talking about music. It was a pleasure to meet him in this life time. R.I.P. Ross.
your friend, Marc

Added by Anonymous

just googled your name and found this site
so odd
I still miss you and love you after all these years. I will never forget you.

Added by EvaMarie

Ross, I think about you so often. I love you still with all my heart, and we miss you terribly. You were a kind, sweet, sensitive soul taken from us too soon. Love, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Jerry & cousin Jared
Added by Anonymous

I still think about you often, Ross. You were taken away way too soon. I wonder how your life would have turned out if not for that September night. Love you! Stacey Matthews (Freehold Boro Class of '94)
Added by Stacey Matthews
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