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Born:August 20, 2004
Died:November 14, 2004

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Morgan was a few days shy of being 3 months old when she joined the angels in Heaven. Morgan was born with a very rare neurological disease known as Hydranencephaly. Despite what the docotors said Morgan was a fighter and proved the doctors wrong on many occasions. Morgan was a beautiful little girl, who touched the lives of all those around her, including her nurses and doctors. Blessed are those that got to know this Angel of ours. Forever in our hearts.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

^Morgan^ You will forever be Aunt Kellie's little baby girl. You changed my life forever. I will never know another love like you. I miss you and love you dearly.
Added by Aunt Kellie

Nanny and Papa's Baby Girl~ Nanny and Papa miss you and love you very much.
Added by Anonymous

Aunt Sam loves you little baby girl:) Miss you, you are always in my thoughts.
Added by Aunt Sam

We will ALWAYS love you.
Added by Randall & Lemke Families

Morgan,auntie's love. You touched my heart in ways I never knew anyone could. I love you so much and miss you each and every day. You are the sunshine that shines on my face each day and with each new sunrise I will always feel you in my heart. I love baby girl.
Added by auntie Diantha
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