To my dearest Julio and Cecelia's daddy, We know that you are gone now and don't know how we will go on without you. I know that we have such a little bit of time together but now you can be near us forever. We love you so much. We know that you have suffered for a very long time and I think God thought it was your time to come home to him. We know your in a better place now and that you are watching over us. I have not accepted that you are gone yet because it was so sudden. I love you with all my heart and I always will. I will never let Cecelia forget you nor will I ever forget you. We spent so much time together and for that I am thankful. I know you will watch Cecelia as she grows. You are her angel now and she will always have you. Please watch over us and keep us safe everyday of our lives. Word cannot express how much we will miss you. Te amo, Mi amor. Lisa and Baby Ceci