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Died:June 9, 1988
Washington, Missouri

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Sport was found one bitter cold morning eating snow and bird seed. He was very scared and seemed vicious, snapping at me. I took some dog food and made a trail from outside to the kitchen where we had a bowl for our other dog. I put our other dog in the bedroom and closed the door. I stepped away from the door and Sport ate his way to the kitchen. I held him by the scruff of his neck and told him what a good and pretty boy he was. Right before he finished eating I went and sat down in the living room. He proceeded to come to me and he just stood there looking at me so I patted my lap and told him to come here. He did and he became my boy. I took him to the vet and the vet was very upset at his condition, almost dead. I told the vet how I found him and he told me if anyone tried to claim him to contact him (vet) immediatly. He would turn the owners in for abuse. No one claimed him. Six years later my husband and I divorced, the only "thing" I really wanted was my "Red Dog" Sport came to live with me and Spunky, our other dog, stayed with my ex-husband. After my divorce I met a wonderful man and we got married. Sport then became "our" boy. And what a boy he was, loving both of us like I never thought possible. We had him 5 1/2 years more. We took him to the vet, he had seizures real bad. The vet operated and found a fast spreading cancer. He could have saved him but he would have to take half his kidneys, lungs and liver and then go on chemo and radiation, still no guarantee he would make it more than a month or two and not suffer any more. We couldn't stand the thought of him suffering any more so we had him euthanized. It was the most difficult decision of our lives to make but we did it out of pure love for our loving and faithful companion. After he was gone, the vet told us we made the right decision, that he would suffer more and he would have no quality of life. Still, it hurt deeply to lose him. We still love and miss him dearly.

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