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Born:May 21, 1998
Midland, Ontario
Died:March 22, 2003
Toronto, Ontario

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On Saturday, March 22nd, 2003,
my life was ripped apart when you left me.
I just want to hold you, i just want to say,
that i think about and miss you every single day.
Every day that passes you are in my heart,
i never thought the day would come when we would ever part.
I walk around this empty house and cry myself to sleep,
my pictures and my memories are all i have left to keep.
You were my life, my heart, my soul, you were the best,
get some sleep now my little angel, you deserve your rest.

Love always,
"To infinity and beyond"
His first school picture
Added by Mommy
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Bailey, you were the perfect little boy, and now you are the perfect little angel. You were always in such a hurry and now i know why. God only gave you to me for a short time but it was the best time of my life. I don't know how to go on without you but i will survive knowing that one day you will greet me at heavens gate with your arms open wide and a big kiss. I love you so much.
Added by Mommy

You lived a good life. I miss you so much. I love you. On my birthday i know you were there helping me blow out my candles. Mommy bought me a cake that had a picture of me and you on it. It made me feel like you were there with me. I miss you so much Bailey. I wish you were still here. Come to me in my dreams tonight and every night. I'll see you soon Bailey. Hugs and kisses till then.
Added by Mackenzie

Dear Bailey:
You were someone who was special to me, you always put a smile on my face. You had a personality that made everyone fall in love with you as soon as they met you. I will always remember your beautiful smile and your big blue eyes, but most of all i will remember your big warm heart that tried to please everyone. And Bailey you did a good job. You are in my heart now and forever. Alisha and Makayla will never forget you.I love you and miss you with all my heart.

Added by Love always Aunt Holly

Dear Bailey(peanut-butter!)

Bailey, although you were only with us for a short while, you have touched us all forever, and will be remembered for a life time. We all pray for you everyday and also thank-you for teaching us how to enjoy life, by watching you play with Cole and your glowing smiles.Thank-you for the memories. XOXOXO

Added by Uncle Al,Aunt Tracy,Kirsten&Marcel
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