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Born:November 25, 1926
New York
Died:June 25, 2003
West Palm Beach, Florida

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Lorraine Poulin was a beloved Wife to a loving Husband Ed, a loving mother to two amazing daughters Judy and Dana and two granddaughters Amy and Virginia, and a beautiful great-granddaughter Jillian. She was a caring friend to all who had the priveledge to have known her.  She took such great pride in her faith of the Catholic church, and she passed on that strong faith to her children and grandchildren. Lorraine loved to sing, she had a beautiful voice that she has shared with so many people over the years, a born entertainer.  Lorraine has endured so much in this lifetime, and has taught us all what it really means to love someone, she will be greatly missed. And she will live on in the memories of everyone whom she knew.

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