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Born:July 6, 1990
Died:August 10, 2003
Forrest City, Arkansas

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Toby was more than just a dog, he was a member of our family. He was the glue that kept us all together sometimes. In good times and bad, Toby was always there with a smile on his face and a wag in his tail. 

He was a quiet, loving dog that barked at imaginary foxes and loved riding the four-wheeler. His favorite place to sit was the bay window in the living room, so that he could keep an eye on the front yard. He was a smart dog that learned how to play dead for food and even recognized the spelling of "O.U.T." (and we thought we were being clever!)

Our little house in Arkansas will never be the same without him, but he will always have a place in our hearts.

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Personal Notes

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