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Born:April 15, 1931
Died:July 20, 2003
Milwaukww W.I.

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Dora had a long full life.  She born 2 children in to this world.  She worked hard to help her grand children keep food on the table, clothes on their back, and a roof over their heads.  She allways had time to listen to whatever problems you had, and allways had some good advice to give. she loved her great grand children, children, brothers, sisters, mother, and father.  We all know the good intensions she allways had. She loved the color blue, dolphins, and haveing cook outs with the family.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

To My Granny,
I will allways miss you. thank you for all the good times. Thank you for all the advice you gave to me. I know you are in a better place and way more happy, but i will allways miss you. I love you soo much.

Added by Peggy
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