Physical abilities kept you from doing alot of things but in reality, you did more than most folks who have 2 arms, 2 legs, etc. You were a huge figure to look up to even though you sat most of the time. How could anyone ever forget your lessons? Here is our message... When you lose someone Special, the pain can be unbearable. But the joy that their memories bring makes it tolerable...In Time! We lost you and we still feel the pain, we still miss your good days and your not so good days to the down-right bad days. The love that we gave is still being given and we know that the day will come to again see your sweet smile and share a pecan or two...In Time! "Be good", "See ya later", "Call if you need me", "Love ya, Mr. P", for always and a day....... WE LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH THE BARR"S... Gary, Joi, Dayna and Mason (Nico, too)