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Born:March 9, 1928
Cliffside Park, New Jersey
Died:August 30, 2003
Cliffside Park, New Jersey

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I was blessed to have a wonderful man in my life for 36 six years called “Daddy”, I will miss his sweet smile, his laughter, the twinkle in his eye which would light up a room, and of course hearing his war stories. I will also miss fixing his TV remote, bringing him something to eat or drink, planting his flowers with him, just sitting around talking, and watching him play with Kayley.  These were some of the things we did together and loved doing together.  But most of all I will miss him and him the most.  Daddy taught me many, many things over the years, but the one thing he taught and instilled in me was to love unconditionally and for this I love, honor, and cherish him for.  I know Daddy I must have told you a thousand times how much I loved you and that you were the greatest dad, I meant every word of it then, now and forever.  I love you daddy!

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