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Born:August 5, 1987
Queens, New York
Died:April 22, 2006
DeKalb, Illinois

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Juan was a nice, hardworking guy, and brother.  We lost him as a son, brother, worker, nephew, uncle, best friend, and friend, and a smiling happy person.  He wanted to be a second grade teacher or high school teacher.  He would always lend a helping hand.  His favorite colors were red and black.  He loved his black pathfinder Nissan.  He will never be forgotten.   Juan was always there for everybody.  He was very well known.  People ask why him?  why now?  When we most needed him.  I would like people to remember Juan as a hardworking man and son. Juan would always take care of us, being his sisters.  I know he wouldn't want to see our family and friends like this (being sad and treating ourselves the wrong way)  It was his time to go.  Someday we will find out why God took him so early.  All he did was just get ahead of us. One of these days we will see him again up in heaven.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I understand that you had to leave but it was really hard for the us knowing that we had to let you go butIknow you would be upset if we turned our lives down by smiling man the family knows that the family chain or tree was broken but they know we as the family chain or tree will be reunited someday again someday

Added by "LIL SCRAPPY"

you know whatbeen I feel like the rapture is coming or getting closer but I use to be scared of the rapture but no not no more because I know I will be reunited with my brother and I could see him looking down at us smiling and saying stay strong and I don't want to see you sad anymore
AUGUST 5,1987-APRIL 22,2006 3:45

WE LOVE YOU JUANITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by Anonymous
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