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Born:September 10, 1970
Newton, Iowa
Died:November 24, 2005
Iowa City, Iowa

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Kelly was such a beautiful spirit and it was such a shame her spirit was taken away at such a young age.  But even so she tried to carry on with her life.  But she was so lost and confused trying to be what everyone wanted her to be she lost hold of herself.  She took her own life the day before Thanksgiving in the year of 2005.  And I miss her so much.  People say there was nothing we could have done, she had her mind made up.  But I know there was so much we could have done.  And I am so sorry we let you down kelly.  It will haunt me for the rest of my days.
Kelly's biggest accomplishment I believe were her three beautiful children. Drake, Dillon, and Destiny. I know she would say that they were too. She Loved her children with all her heart. And I'm sure she would be very proud of them. Kelly was also an animal lover. She never saw a cat that was a stray, because they would have a home with her if she thought they were homeless. I guess no matter what, they had an unconditional love for her and that was what made her happy. I hope she has a happiness like no other now that she's in Heaven because I know God has an unconditional love for her. I miss you so much sister.

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Personal Notes

Kelly, I wish I could have been a sister and a friend that you deserved. Kind of like the sister you were to me. I'll never forget the good times and the bad that we shared. I just wish you were still here. Because it hurts without you. Please forgive me. I love You so much. And you are missed everyday.
Added by Ronda - Your big sis

Kelly it's your birthday in a couple of days and I just wanted you to know I Love You and miss you and I do hear you calling my name.
Added by Your Sister
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