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Died:November 22, 2006
Dublin, Eire

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Grace Mir was created on the 30th of September 2006. She lived in her mothers womb for seven weeks and four days. She was a much wanted and loved baby right from the start and will be loved and missed forever.
For my angel
Added by Mammyxxxx
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Personal Notes

You touched my life from the night you where created,i will never forget the beauty that surrounded us that night. I will never forget how i felt when i knew you where inside me and despite everything you stayed there for as long as you could. I named you after a song your daddy and i love and he named you Mir for peace.I will never forget you and on the 23rd of June 2007 the day you should have been born i will shed a silent tear for what should have been.
Added by Mammy
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