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Born:January 29, 1988
Died:March 22, 2007
Butler, Missouri

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Ashley was an awesome young lady. She had a lot going for her, she was well admired by many and is missed beyond more then words can say. 
Ashley graduated in the class of 2006 from Butler High School in Butler, Mo. She was involved in many sports, and other activities throughout her years in school.
Ashley was killed on March 22 in a car accident. She was a very special person and will always remain in our hearts, she had a place in everyones heart, a different story can be told by every friend of hers, she had a great sense of humor, she was very athletic as well as intelligent.
You are missed Ashley, eveyday, every hour, every second. Rest in peace Ashley.
Added by Brandon
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Personal Notes

Ash was an inspiration to me.I looked up to her all the time.There wasnt a minute we were apart.She was so smart, athletic,& pretty.I wanted to be just like her.She was always there as a friend when I needed her.We have so many great stories/times together.I miss her more then anything,& I always will.She was my best friend.She meant everything to me..But I know now, she is in a better place,no worries,no fears,no stress. She is watching over us now.Miss you Ash,Love ya hun
Added by Marie

Everytime I see this picture I want to laugh and cry at the same time. I still wake up thinking it was a bad dream. I see her picture and I think she can't be gone, she is at home talking on her cell phone. It's still hard for me to believe I can only see her beautiful smile in pictures.
Added by Ashley
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