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Born:November 2, 1983
Edina, Minnestoa
Died:May 27, 2007
Boston, Mass.

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Paul was a person who loved life, and always gave his all for everyone he knew.  He was a handsom young man who had a goal and was well on his way to getting where he wanted to be.

He always spoke of his family with love. He always treated his friends like family. Those words speak for themselves.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Paul, you were loved by all who knew you. I will cherish every memory I have of our friendship, especially Dane Cook, handle bar moustaches, and my secret trips to hangout with you and the guys. Love you always, until we meet again.
Added by Janice

I can't believe youre gone. I had heard something about a crash up in Somerville but didnt really think anything of it until they showed a picture of you on the television. I'm in shock. I know we hadn't hung out in a couple months, and I look back and wish I could amend that. I'll miss you kiddo and I'll always look back on the times we spent together fondly. Whether it was jamming at shows or just hanging out. Rest in peace.
Added by Shanny

I never met Paul but I was home the night of the accident which took place across the street from my family's house. My prayers go out to all of Paul's friends and family. The neighborhood of Highland and Kidder share your grief and pray for Paul's eternal life. We are so very sorry for your loss.
Added by Diane

Paul was the most amazing person I have ever met. He could make everyone smile and light up a room. He was brilliant and talented. He will never be forgotten.
Added by Anonymous

Paul was the most amazing person I have ever met. He could make everyone smile and light up a room. He was brilliant and talented. He will never be forgotten.
Added by Randie

I had only met you a couple of times but I could tell just by those brief moments that you were an incredibly sweet, outgoing, and caring person. It pains me to know that something so terrible could happen to someone as nice as you. My heart goes out to your family and friends, may you rest in peace
Added by Nicole

I did not know Paul, but I witnessed the chase and I feared that it would end in tragedy knowing my busy neighborhood streets. It pains me that at that very moment when the SUV flew past my car that Paul was still alive, and yet within moments something terrible had happened. I am truly sorry for the friends and families of Paul and Kate. May Paul's memory live on forever.
Added by Well Wisher

I'd have to say there was only a handful of times I saw Paul, but we did know each other... Paul and Kate were always so much fun to hang out with. Paul, It's just not right what happened. Just know that everyone down here will always remember the good times.RIP. Kate, keep strong, its only up from here...
Added by Anonymous
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