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Born:August 26, 1953
Bell County, Kentucky
Died:June 16, 2007
Somerset, Kentucky

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Tena was the daughter of Opal Bowling and Fred Rich. She was the sister of Carolyn, Cathy, June, Leonard, & Dorothy. She was the wife of Bill. The Mother of Jimmy, the Grandmother of Kyle. She was also the aunt of Donny, Freddy, Noel, John, Donnie Lee, Elmer, Kyle & Kevin. She was a friend to all. 
Tena retired from the Kroger Company after 33 years. She retired after being diagnosed with Cancer. She fought that battle with nothing but strong will and courage. The smile never left her face, the faith never left her heart.
She enjoyed spending time with her family, playing bingo, and doing things with her many friends. She leaves behind a family that truly adored her, and many friends that loved her deeply.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I wanted to find some way to honor your memory, something unique that no one had done for you before, so I made this website in your memory.
We all miss you more than anyone can imagine.
Life without you, isn't the same.
To say it's hard, is an understatement.
Your love continues on every day.

Added by your niece, Donnie

mom i love you and miss you so much everyday.i would give anything to tell you i love you one more time
Added by jimmy (her son)
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