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Died:October 25, 2007

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Dick devoted his life to the teaching of biology. He loved Nature and inspired others to love it. 

Dick's funeral will be held on Wed 28th November at 2 p.m. at Jeziorka, a village near to Dick's home in Poland.

It is a long way for people to come but they might like to say a few words at that time or they might pay their tributes and condolences on this online memorial.
Dick 5.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Dick 1.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Dick 2.jpg
Dick's Tutor Group from the LPCUWC Yearbook "95-96
Added by Anonymous

Dick 8.jpg
Dick from the LPCUWC Yearbook '95-'96
Added by John Green
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Memorial walk to pay tribute to Dick Hutchings.
We will all remember you, Dick...

Please follow the link to view the photos:
Photos were taken at LPC/ Ngong Ping/ Ma On Shan/ Sai Kung, Hong Kong

Added by Anonymous

Dick teached us not just to love nature, but to live in harmony with it... he was a great teacher and an amazing person, we will always remember him...
Added by Vanessa (Bolivia - Class of ´98)

Dick, you were a character and we will all miss you very much.
Added by Dafydd

Dick was a true eccentric with his nicknames for everybody and an encyclopaedic knowledge of nature, matched only by his love of it. Another love was taking for example glorious photos of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. Dick truly loved teaching and the company of young people. LPCUWC is richer for Dick passing through, not only for the pond he dug. Dick must have enjoyed living in the middle of the woods in Poland; a boyish enthusiasm for life is what I will remember most about Dick.
Added by John Green

I found this text by Dick and while reading it I felt like I was hearing him talk! After all these years, it brought wonderful memories.
Added by Maria (LPC 96-98)

The news of your demise came as a shock to me! I feel so bad because I haven't communicated with you lately and you haven't seen my wedding pictures yet.

I thank God for your life and I'm very grateful for the wonderful way in which you touched my life.
Oh Dick, I'm sad!
Oh Dick, Gladipus, Gladwyse, Doctor G.Zippus Lomotey will miss you sorely!

Added by Gladys N.L.Lomotey(Ghana '97)

Dick was unselfconsciously meticulous about everything - from appreciating Sibelius to home-brewing to discussing old grievances to teaching biology. The mind always on the details and every step precisely worked out in advance. It’s been heart-warming to see the way he thought of us and kept in touch. It’s hard to imagine not getting more of his extraordinary correspondence ever again.
Added by Linda D'inda
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