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Died:April 19, 2004

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Shane was a loyal friend and was loved by many, many people. He lived a full and fun life. He was always willing to help anyone that needed him. We all wish he could have stayed for a bit longer, now he is in a better place,as Taylor said ridin a cadillac with spinners in the sky. My god bless him and walk with him forever and ever...Amen
My life was full is savored much
good friends, good times,a loved one touch

Please don't grieve for me now that i am free
I am following Gods path you see

I took his hands when I heard him call
I turned my back and left it all

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief
But, please don't lengthen it with undo grief

If my parting has left a void
then please fill it with rememberd joys
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Oh yes these things I will too miss

So lift up your heart
and peace be to the
God wanted me
He set me free...

MICHAEL SHANE COX, 28, of Memphis, owner of Pro Tree Care, died Monday in Memphis. Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Central North Church, where he was a member, with burial in Memphis Memory Gardens. Memphis Funeral Home Poplar Chapel has charge. He leaves a daughter, Taylor Elizabeth Cox, and two sons, Taylor O'Neal Ellison and Michael Shane Cox Jr., all of Memphis; his mother, Betty Louise Montgomery of Pickwick, Tenn.; his father, James Cox of Red Banks, Miss.; two sisters, Angela Benson and Michelle O'Neal, both of Memphis; a brother, Eddie Force of Pickwick, and his fiancee, Erica Leigh Ellison of Memphis.

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
The boat to heaven

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Shane it is me your lil sis I just want you to know that we all here love and miss you very and one day I will be on my way home to you and my daddie so just be ready when I am called home after my task on earth is done ...
Added by Love always your lil sis April ( Booger Bear)

Life will never be the same without you here but I know that when our time comes we will be at home together again for eternity.. We love and miss you so much........................
Added by Anonymous

hey daddy,
i really miss you
i wish i could take your place and you could come back cause i hate seeing everybody cry especially my momma and my grandma betty i try not cry i just hate it cause i miss u so much i used to see this happen to other people and think i will never have to live with out a parent i miss u so much. i love you.

Added by your daughter taylor

Was an amazing person. Very close to 10 yrs gone still loved and missed. R.I.P Shane
Added by Anonymous
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