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Born:March 31, 1933
Dubuque, Iowa
Died:April 24, 1996
Dubuque, Iowa

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Big and Strong
Lone gone,
But memories stay alive

I can still see him
Flannel shirt, brown work boots,
Leather gloves and a smile.

Milking cows, growing pumpkins,
Planting crops, working hard.

After his work was done
He could be found in his big green chair
With an empty lap
Waiting for me when I was three

No need to dream
While eating peaches and ice cream
We were a team.

Playing cards, tying my shoe,
Meeting his approval was easy to do.

One day he has a weakened heart
It needed a new start
Time was running out

Not any time to laugh and have fun
No more kisses and great big hugs.

Now he watches over me
Not a day goes by
With out a tear filling my eye.

I look at his picture
And I think he is still here
He has gone so far
But somehow he seems so near

--Cindy Bergfeld

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Personal Notes

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